Together we can help those who have sacrificed for us

The Foundation of The Old Guard is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit charity that provides financial assistance that benefits the soldiers, soldier families, and veterans of the 3d US Infantry Regiment.
(The Old Guard)

Our Mission

The Foundation of the Old Guard supports the Third U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard), those who serve or have served under the Regiment’s colors, and their families in order to resource unique aspects of the unit's mission and maintain the welfare and camaraderie of the Regiment's soldiers, families, and veterans.

Today, The Old Guard is the face of the US military to our nation and the entire world. 

For many Americans—indeed, for many of those around the world—the 3d US Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard) is the most visible element of the United States’ capable and dedicated military force. With two battalions and its headquarters stationed at Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall, just outside Washington, DC, and adjacent to Arlington National Cemetery, The Old Guard is a constant example of the precision, discipline, and capability of the rest of America’s military.  With Soldiers selected from throughout the Army, the Regiment enjoys the expertise and leadership abilities developed through their service in other units around the world, in and out of theaters of war.  Whether the public sees the Regiment’s Soldiers honoring fallen comrades, maintaining military traditions in ceremonies, ready to provide military assistance during National Special Security Events, or sustaining their tactical proficiency, our Army’s oldest active serving infantry regiment provides an awe-inspiring image of the American military that is serving around the world.

The Old Guard Focus Areas

National Capital Region

Defend selected military infrastructure and provide military assistance to civilian authorities for National Special Security Events in the National Capital Region and select locations around the world.

Memorials and Funerals

Honor fallen military heroes by performing funerals in Arlington National Cemetery, guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, and maintaining military traditions through ceremonies that honor our nation, our nation’s leaders, visiting military dignitaries, and US military personnel.

Maintain Tactical Readiness

Maintain the tactical competencies of assigned soldiers and units so that they are available to deploy worldwide as directed by senior military authorities.

Why You Should Help

These soldiers and families carry burdens others in the US Army do not.

Higher Cost of Living

Greater Commuting Times

Training Venue Limitations

Historic Infrastructure

Recent News

Monster Energy supports the Foundation and TOG Soldiers

The philanthropic arm of Monster Energy made a big commitment recently to support the Foundation and our mission of supporting TOG Soldiers, Soldier families, and veterans of the regiment. The Foundation applied their very generous financial contribution against the Regimental Ball that was held on September 23rd. Over 930 people attended this event. Monster also donated products in support of the regimental "Organizational Day" on September 22nd.

Foundation Sponsors

Bronze Star Sponsors

Monster Energy Cares

Monster Energy Cares

Support the Soldiers, Soldier families, and veterans of the 3d US Infantry Regiment

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